Title: | Estimate Bunching |
Description: | Implementation of the bunching estimator for kinks and notches. Allows for flexible estimation of counterfactual (e.g. controlling for round number bunching, accounting for other bunching masses within bunching window, fixing bunching point to be minimum, maximum or median value in its bin, etc.). It produces publication-ready plots in the style followed since Chetty et al. (2011) <doi:10.1093/qje/qjr013>, with lots of functionality to set plot options. |
Authors: | Panos Mavrokonstantis [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Panos Mavrokonstantis <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.8.6 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 04:42:14 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/mavpanos/bunching |
Create data frame of binned counts
bin_data(z_vector, binv = "median", zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r)
bin_data(z_vector, binv = "median", zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r)
z_vector |
a numeric vector of (unbinned) data. |
binv |
a string setting location of zstar within its bin ("min", "max" or "median" value). Default is median. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
bins_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to use in analysis. |
bins_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to use in analysis. |
returns a data frame with bins and corresponding frequencies (counts).
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) head(binned_data)
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) head(binned_data)
The bunching
package implements the bunching estimator in settings with kinks or notches.
Given a numeric vector, it allows the user to estimate bunching at a particular location in the vector's distribution, and returns a rich set of results.
Important features include functionality for controlling for (different levels of) round numbers, controlling for other bunching points in the bunching bandwidth,
and splitting bins using the bunching point as the minimum, median or maximum in its bin for robustness analysis. It estimates standard errors using residual-based bootstrapping,
and returns estimated elasticities using both reduced-form and parametric specifications.
Besides estimation, it produces bunching plots in the style of Chetty et al. (2011) with lots of functionality for editing the plot's appearance.
has two main functions:
is the main function that runs all the analysis.
is a tool for exploratory visualization prior to estimating bunching. It can be used to decide how to choose the appropriate binwidth, bandwidth, the number around the bunching point to include in the bunching region, the polynomial order, whether to control for round numbers and other fixed effects in the bandwidth.
A dataset containing two simulated vectors of about 27,500 observations.
A data frame with 27510 rows and 2 variables:
simulated earnings vector, suitable for examples of bunching at kinks
simulated earnings vector, suitable for examples of bunching at notches
Implement the bunching estimator in a kink or notch setting.
bunchit( z_vector, binv = "median", zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r, poly = 9, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0, extra_fe = NA, rn = NA, n_boot = 100, correct = TRUE, correct_above_zu = FALSE, correct_iter_max = 200, t0, t1, notch = FALSE, force_notch = FALSE, e_parametric = FALSE, e_parametric_lb = 1e-04, e_parametric_ub = 3, seed = NA, p_title = "", p_xtitle = deparse(substitute(z_vector)), p_ytitle = "Count", p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5, p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA, p_freq_color = "black", p_cf_color = "maroon", p_zstar_color = "red", p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey", p_freq_size = 0.5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_cf_size = 0.5, p_zstar_size = 0.5, p_b = FALSE, p_e = FALSE, p_b_e_xpos = NA, p_b_e_ypos = NA, p_b_e_size = 3, p_domregion_color = "blue", p_domregion_ltype = "longdash" )
bunchit( z_vector, binv = "median", zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r, poly = 9, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0, extra_fe = NA, rn = NA, n_boot = 100, correct = TRUE, correct_above_zu = FALSE, correct_iter_max = 200, t0, t1, notch = FALSE, force_notch = FALSE, e_parametric = FALSE, e_parametric_lb = 1e-04, e_parametric_ub = 3, seed = NA, p_title = "", p_xtitle = deparse(substitute(z_vector)), p_ytitle = "Count", p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5, p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA, p_freq_color = "black", p_cf_color = "maroon", p_zstar_color = "red", p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey", p_freq_size = 0.5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_cf_size = 0.5, p_zstar_size = 0.5, p_b = FALSE, p_e = FALSE, p_b_e_xpos = NA, p_b_e_ypos = NA, p_b_e_size = 3, p_domregion_color = "blue", p_domregion_ltype = "longdash" )
z_vector |
a numeric vector of (unbinned) data. |
binv |
a string setting location of zstar within its bin ("min", "max" or "median" value). Default is median. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
bins_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to use in analysis. |
bins_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to use in analysis. |
poly |
a numeric value for the order of polynomial for counterfactual fit. Default is 9. |
bins_excl_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to include in bunching region. Default is 0. |
bins_excl_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to include in bunching region. Default is 0. |
extra_fe |
a numeric vector of bin values to control for using fixed effects. Default includes no controls. |
rn |
a numeric vector of (up to 2) round numbers to control for. Default includes no controls. |
n_boot |
number of bootstrapped iterations. Default is 100. |
correct |
implements correction for integration constraint. Default is TRUE. |
correct_above_zu |
if integration constraint correction is implemented, should counterfactual be shifted only above zu (upper bound of exclusion region)? Default is FALSE (i.e. shift from above zstar). |
correct_iter_max |
maximum iterations for integration constraint correction. Default is 200. |
t0 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate below zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
t1 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate above zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
force_notch |
whether to enforce user's choice of zu (upper limit of bunching region) in a notch setting. Default is FALSE (zu set by setting bunching equal to missing mass). |
e_parametric |
whether to estimate elasticity using parametric specification (quasi-linear and iso-elastic utility function). Default is FALSE (which estimates reduced-form approximation). |
e_parametric_lb |
lower bound for elasticity estimate's solution using parametric specification in notch setting. Default is 1e-04. |
e_parametric_ub |
upper bound for elasticity estimate's solution using parametric specification in notch setting. Default is 3. |
seed |
a numeric value for bootstrap seed (random re-sampling of residuals). Default is NA. |
p_title |
plot's title. Default is empty. |
p_xtitle |
plot's x_axis label. Default is the name of z_vector. |
p_ytitle |
plot's y_axis label. Default is "Count". |
p_title_size |
size of plot's title. Default is 11. |
p_axis_title_size |
size of plot's axes' title labels. Default is 10. |
p_axis_val_size |
size of plot's axes' numeric labels. Default is 8.5. |
p_miny |
plot's minimum y_axis value. Default is 0. |
p_maxy |
plot's maximum y_axis value. Default is optimized internally. |
p_ybreaks |
a numeric vector of y-axis values at which to add horizontal line markers in plot. Default is optimized internally. |
p_freq_color |
plot's frequency line color. Default is "black". |
p_cf_color |
plot's counterfactual line color. Default is "maroon". |
p_zstar_color |
plot's bunching region marker lines color. Default is "red". |
p_grid_major_y_color |
plot's y-axis major grid line color. Default is "lightgrey". |
p_freq_size |
plot's frequency line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_freq_msize |
plot's frequency line marker size. Default is 1. |
p_cf_size |
plot's counterfactual line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_zstar_size |
plot's bunching region marker line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_b |
whether plot should also include the bunching estimate. Default is FALSE. |
p_e |
whether plot should also include the elasticity estimate. Only shown if p_b is TRUE. Default is FALSE. |
p_b_e_xpos |
plot's x-axis coordinate of bunching/elasticity estimate. Default is set internally. |
p_b_e_ypos |
plot's y-axis coordinate of bunching/elasticity estimate. Default is set internally. |
p_b_e_size |
size of plot's printed bunching/elasticity estimate. Default is 3. |
p_domregion_color |
plot's dominated region marker line color in notch setting. Default is "blue". |
p_domregion_ltype |
line type for the vertical line type marking the dominated region (zD) in the plot for notch settings. Default is "longdash". |
bunchit implements the bunching estimator in both kink and notch settings. It bins a given numeric vector, fits a counterfactual density, and estimates the bunching mass (normalized and not), the elasticity and the location of the marginal buncher. In the case of notches, it also finds the dominated region and estimates the fraction of observations located in it.
returns a list of results, both for visualizing and for further analysis of the data underlying the estimates. These include:
plot |
The bunching plot. |
data |
The binned data used for estimation. |
cf |
The estimated counterfactuals. |
B |
The estimated excess mass (not normalized). |
B_vector |
The vector of bootstrapped B's. |
B_sd |
The standard deviation of B_vector. |
b |
The estimated excess mass (normalized). |
b_vector |
The vector of bootstrapped b's. |
b_sd |
The standard deviation of b_vector. |
e |
The estimated elasticity. |
e_vector |
The vector of bootstrapped elasticities (e). |
e_sd |
The standard deviation of e_vector. |
alpha |
The estimated fraction of bunchers in dominated region (notch case). |
alpha_vector |
The vector of bootstrapped alphas. |
alpha_sd |
The standard deviation of alpha_vector. |
model_fit |
The model fit on the actual (i.e. not bootstrapped) data. |
zD |
The value demarcating the dominated region (notch case). |
zD_bin |
The bin above zstar demarcating the dominated region (notch case). |
zU_bin |
The location of zU (upper range of excluded region) as estimated from notch setting by setting force_notch = FALSE. |
marginal_buncher |
The location (z value) of the marginal buncher. |
marginal_buncher_vector |
The vector of bootstrapped marginal_buncher values. |
marginal_buncher_sd |
The standard deviation of marginal_buncher_vector. |
## Not run: # First, load the example data data(bunching_data) # Example 1: Kink with integration constraint correction kink1 <- bunchit(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, p_b = TRUE, seed = 1) kink1$plot kink1$b kink1$b_sd # Example 2: Kink with diffuse bunching bpoint <- 10000; binwidth <- 50 kink2_vector <- c(bunching_data$kink_vector, rep(bpoint - binwidth,80), rep(bpoint - 2*binwidth,190), rep(bpoint + binwidth,80), rep(bpoint + 2*binwidth,80)) kink2 <- bunchit(z_vector = kink2_vector, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, bins_excl_l = 2, bins_excl_r = 2, correct = FALSE, p_b = TRUE, seed = 1) kink2$plot # Example 3: Kink with further bunching at other level in bandwidth kink3_vector <- c(bunching_data$kink_vector, rep(10200,540)) kink3 <- bunchit(kink3_vector, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 40, bins_r = 40, poly = 6, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, correct = FALSE, p_b = TRUE, extra_fe = 10200, seed = 1) kink3$plot # Example 4: Kink with round number bunching rn1 <- 500; rn2 <- 250 bpoint <- 10000 kink4_vector <- c(bunching_data$kink_vector, rep(bpoint + rn1, 270), rep(bpoint + 2*rn1,230), rep(bpoint - rn1,260), rep(bpoint - 2*rn1,275), rep(bpoint + rn2, 130), rep(bpoint + 3*rn2,140), rep(bpoint - rn2,120), rep(bpoint - 3*rn2,135)) kink4 <- bunchit(z_vector = kink4_vector, zstar = bpoint, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 6, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, correct = FALSE, p_b = TRUE, p_e = TRUE, p_freq_msize = 1.5, p_b_e_ypos = 880, rn = c(250,500), seed = 1) kink4$plot # Example 5: Notch notch <- bunchit(z_vector = bunching_data$notch_vector, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 40, bins_r = 40, poly = 5, t0 = 0.18, t1 = .25, correct = FALSE, notch = TRUE,p_b = TRUE, p_b_e_xpos = 8900, n_boot = 0) notch$plot ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # First, load the example data data(bunching_data) # Example 1: Kink with integration constraint correction kink1 <- bunchit(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, p_b = TRUE, seed = 1) kink1$plot kink1$b kink1$b_sd # Example 2: Kink with diffuse bunching bpoint <- 10000; binwidth <- 50 kink2_vector <- c(bunching_data$kink_vector, rep(bpoint - binwidth,80), rep(bpoint - 2*binwidth,190), rep(bpoint + binwidth,80), rep(bpoint + 2*binwidth,80)) kink2 <- bunchit(z_vector = kink2_vector, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, bins_excl_l = 2, bins_excl_r = 2, correct = FALSE, p_b = TRUE, seed = 1) kink2$plot # Example 3: Kink with further bunching at other level in bandwidth kink3_vector <- c(bunching_data$kink_vector, rep(10200,540)) kink3 <- bunchit(kink3_vector, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 40, bins_r = 40, poly = 6, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, correct = FALSE, p_b = TRUE, extra_fe = 10200, seed = 1) kink3$plot # Example 4: Kink with round number bunching rn1 <- 500; rn2 <- 250 bpoint <- 10000 kink4_vector <- c(bunching_data$kink_vector, rep(bpoint + rn1, 270), rep(bpoint + 2*rn1,230), rep(bpoint - rn1,260), rep(bpoint - 2*rn1,275), rep(bpoint + rn2, 130), rep(bpoint + 3*rn2,140), rep(bpoint - rn2,120), rep(bpoint - 3*rn2,135)) kink4 <- bunchit(z_vector = kink4_vector, zstar = bpoint, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 6, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, correct = FALSE, p_b = TRUE, p_e = TRUE, p_freq_msize = 1.5, p_b_e_ypos = 880, rn = c(250,500), seed = 1) kink4$plot # Example 5: Notch notch <- bunchit(z_vector = bunching_data$notch_vector, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 40, bins_r = 40, poly = 5, t0 = 0.18, t1 = .25, correct = FALSE, notch = TRUE,p_b = TRUE, p_b_e_xpos = 8900, n_boot = 0) notch$plot ## End(Not run)
Estimate bunching on bootstrapped samples, using residual-based bootstrapping with replacement.
do_bootstrap( zstar, binwidth, firstpass_prep, residuals, n_boot = 100, correct = TRUE, correct_iter_max = 200, notch = FALSE, zD_bin = NA, seed = NA )
do_bootstrap( zstar, binwidth, firstpass_prep, residuals, n_boot = 100, correct = TRUE, correct_iter_max = 200, notch = FALSE, zD_bin = NA, seed = NA )
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
firstpass_prep |
(binned) data that includes all variables necessary for fitting the model. |
residuals |
residuals from (first pass) fitted bunching model. |
n_boot |
number of bootstrapped iterations. Default is 100. |
correct |
implements correction for integration constraint. Default is TRUE. |
correct_iter_max |
maximum iterations for integration constraint correction. Default is 200. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
zD_bin |
the bin marking the upper end of the dominated region (notch case). |
seed |
a numeric value for bootstrap seed (random re-sampling of residuals). Default is NA. |
returns a list with the following bootstrapped estimates:
b_vector |
A vector with the bootstrapped normalized excess mass estimates. |
b_sd |
The standard deviation of the bootstrapped b_vector. |
B_vector |
A vector with the bootstrapped excess mass estimates (not normalized). |
B_sd |
The standard deviation of the bootstrapped B_vector. |
marginal_buncher_vector |
A vector with the bootstrapped estimates of the location (z value) of the marginal buncher. |
marginal_buncher_sd |
The standard deviation of the bootstrapped marginal_buncher_vector. |
alpha_vector |
A vector with the bootstrapped estimates of the fraction of bunchers in the dominated region (only in notch case). |
alpha_vector_sd |
The standard deviation of the bootstrapped alpha_vector. |
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) firstpass <- fit_bunching(prepped_data$data_binned, prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) residuals_for_boot <- fit_bunching(prepped_data$data_binned, prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50)$residuals boot_results <- do_bootstrap(zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, firstpass_prep = prepped_data, residuals = residuals_for_boot, seed = 1) boot_results$b_sd
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) firstpass <- fit_bunching(prepped_data$data_binned, prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) residuals_for_boot <- fit_bunching(prepped_data$data_binned, prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50)$residuals boot_results <- do_bootstrap(zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, firstpass_prep = prepped_data, residuals = residuals_for_boot, seed = 1) boot_results$b_sd
Implements the correction for the integration constraint.
do_correction( zstar, binwidth, data_prepped, firstpass_results, correct_iter_max = 200, notch = FALSE, zD_bin = NA )
do_correction( zstar, binwidth, data_prepped, firstpass_results, correct_iter_max = 200, notch = FALSE, zD_bin = NA )
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
data_prepped |
(binned) data that includes all variables necessary for fitting the model. |
firstpass_results |
initial bunching estimates without correction. |
correct_iter_max |
maximum iterations for integration constraint correction. Default is 200. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
zD_bin |
the bin marking the upper end of the dominated region (notch case). |
do_correction returns a list with the data and estimates after correcting for the integration constraint, as follows:
data |
The dataset with the corrected counterfactual. |
coefficients |
The coefficients of the model fit on the corrected data. |
b_corrected |
The normalized excess mass, corrected for the integration constraint. |
B_corrected |
The excess mass (not normalized), corrected for the integration constraint. |
c0_corrected |
The counterfactual at zstar, corrected for the integration constraint. |
marginal_buncher_corrected |
The location (z value) of the marginal buncher, corrected for the integration constraint. |
alpha_corrected |
The estimated fraction of bunchers in the dominated region, corrected for the integration constraint (only in notch case). |
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) firstpass <- fit_bunching(prepped_data$data_binned, prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) corrected <- do_correction(zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, data_prepped = prepped_data$data_binned, firstpass_results = firstpass) paste0("Without correction, b = ", firstpass$b_estimate) paste0("With correction, b = ", round(corrected$b_corrected,3))
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) firstpass <- fit_bunching(prepped_data$data_binned, prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) corrected <- do_correction(zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, data_prepped = prepped_data$data_binned, firstpass_results = firstpass) paste0("Without correction, b = ", firstpass$b_estimate) paste0("With correction, b = ", round(corrected$b_corrected,3))
Estimate z (the value of z_vector) that demarcates the upper bound of the dominated region (in notch settings only).
domregion(zstar, t0, t1, binwidth)
domregion(zstar, t0, t1, binwidth)
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
t0 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate below zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
t1 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate above zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
returns a list with the following objects related to the dominated region (in notch settings only):
zD |
The level of z that demarcates the upper bound of the dominated region. |
zD_bin |
The value of the bin which zD falls in. |
domregion(zstar = 10000, t0 = 0, t1 = 0.2, binwidth = 50)
domregion(zstar = 10000, t0 = 0, t1 = 0.2, binwidth = 50)
Estimate elasticity from single normalized bunching observation.
elasticity( beta, binwidth, zstar, t0, t1, notch = FALSE, e_parametric = FALSE, e_parametric_lb = 1e-04, e_parametric_ub = 3 )
elasticity( beta, binwidth, zstar, t0, t1, notch = FALSE, e_parametric = FALSE, e_parametric_lb = 1e-04, e_parametric_ub = 3 )
beta |
normalized excess mass. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
t0 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate below zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
t1 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate above zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
e_parametric |
whether to estimate elasticity using parametric specification (quasi-linear and iso-elastic utility function). Default is FALSE (which estimates reduced-form approximation). |
e_parametric_lb |
lower bound for elasticity estimate's solution using parametric specification in notch setting. Default is 1e-04. |
e_parametric_ub |
upper bound for elasticity estimate's solution using parametric specification in notch setting. Default is 3. |
returns the estimated elasticity. By default, this is based on the reduced-form approximation. To use the parametric equivalent, set e_parametric to TRUE.
elasticity(beta = 2, binwidth = 50, zstar = 10000, t0 = 0, t1 = 0.2)
elasticity(beta = 2, binwidth = 50, zstar = 10000, t0 = 0, t1 = 0.2)
Fit bunching model to (binned) data and estimate excess mass.
fit_bunching(thedata, themodelformula, binwidth, notch = FALSE, zD_bin = NA)
fit_bunching(thedata, themodelformula, binwidth, notch = FALSE, zD_bin = NA)
thedata |
(binned) data that includes all variables necessary for fitting the model. |
themodelformula |
formula to fit. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
zD_bin |
the bin marking the upper end of the dominated region (notch case). |
returns a list of the following results:
coefficients |
The coefficients from the fitted model. |
residuals |
The residuals from the fitted model. |
cf_density |
The estimated counterfactual density. |
bunchers_excess |
The estimate of the excess mass (not normalized). |
cf_bunchers |
The counterfactual estimate of counts in the bunching region. |
b_estimate |
The estimate of the normalized excess mass. |
bins_bunchers |
The number of bins in the bunching region. |
model_formula |
The model formula used for fitting. |
B_zl_zstar |
The count of bunchers in the bunching region below and up to zstar. |
B_zstar_zu |
The count of bunchers in the bunching region above zstar. |
alpha |
The estimated fraction of bunchers in the dominated region (only in notch case.) |
zD_bin |
The value of the bin which zD falls in. |
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) fitted <- fit_bunching(thedata = prepped_data$data_binned, themodelformula = prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) # extract coefficients fitted$coefficients
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) fitted <- fit_bunching(thedata = prepped_data$data_binned, themodelformula = prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) # extract coefficients fitted$coefficients
Calculate location (value of z_vector) of marginal buncher.
marginal_buncher(beta, binwidth, zstar, notch = FALSE, alpha = NULL)
marginal_buncher(beta, binwidth, zstar, notch = FALSE, alpha = NULL)
beta |
normalized excess mass. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
alpha |
the proportion of individuals in dominated region (in notch setting). |
returns the location of the marginal buncher, i.e. zstar + Dzstar.
marginal_buncher(beta = 2, binwidth = 50, zstar = 10000)
marginal_buncher(beta = 2, binwidth = 50, zstar = 10000)
Defines indifference condition based on parametric utility function in notch setting. Used to parametrically solve for elasticity.
notch_equation(e, t0, t1, zstar, dzstar)
notch_equation(e, t0, t1, zstar, dzstar)
e |
elasticity. |
t0 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate below zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
t1 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate above zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
dzstar |
The distance of the marginal buncher from zstar. |
returns the difference in utility between zstar and z_I in notch setting.
notch_equation(e = .04, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, zstar = 10000, dzstar = 50)
notch_equation(e = .04, t0 = 0, t1 = .2, zstar = 10000, dzstar = 50)
Creates the bunching plot.
plot_bunching( z_vector, binned_data, cf, zstar, binwidth, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0, p_title = "", p_xtitle = deparse(substitute(z_vector)), p_ytitle = "Count", p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA, p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5, p_freq_color = "black", p_cf_color = "maroon", p_zstar_color = "red", p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey", p_freq_size = 0.5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_cf_size = 0.5, p_zstar_size = 0.5, p_b = FALSE, b = NA, b_sd = NA, p_e = FALSE, e = NA, e_sd = NA, p_b_e_xpos = NA, p_b_e_ypos = NA, p_b_e_size = 3, t0 = NA, t1 = NA, notch = FALSE, p_domregion_color = NA, p_domregion_ltype = NA )
plot_bunching( z_vector, binned_data, cf, zstar, binwidth, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0, p_title = "", p_xtitle = deparse(substitute(z_vector)), p_ytitle = "Count", p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA, p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5, p_freq_color = "black", p_cf_color = "maroon", p_zstar_color = "red", p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey", p_freq_size = 0.5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_cf_size = 0.5, p_zstar_size = 0.5, p_b = FALSE, b = NA, b_sd = NA, p_e = FALSE, e = NA, e_sd = NA, p_b_e_xpos = NA, p_b_e_ypos = NA, p_b_e_size = 3, t0 = NA, t1 = NA, notch = FALSE, p_domregion_color = NA, p_domregion_ltype = NA )
z_vector |
a numeric vector of (unbinned) data. |
binned_data |
binned data with frequency and estimated counterfactual. |
cf |
the counterfactual to be plotted. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
bins_excl_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to include in bunching region. Default is 0. |
bins_excl_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to include in bunching region. Default is 0. |
p_title |
plot's title. Default is empty. |
p_xtitle |
plot's x_axis label. Default is the name of z_vector. |
p_ytitle |
plot's y_axis label. Default is "Count". |
p_miny |
plot's minimum y_axis value. Default is 0. |
p_maxy |
plot's maximum y_axis value. Default is optimized internally. |
p_ybreaks |
a numeric vector of y-axis values at which to add horizontal line markers in plot. Default is optimized internally. |
p_title_size |
size of plot's title. Default is 11. |
p_axis_title_size |
size of plot's axes' title labels. Default is 10. |
p_axis_val_size |
size of plot's axes' numeric labels. Default is 8.5. |
p_freq_color |
plot's frequency line color. Default is "black". |
p_cf_color |
plot's counterfactual line color. Default is "maroon". |
p_zstar_color |
plot's bunching region marker lines color. Default is "red". |
p_grid_major_y_color |
plot's y-axis major grid line color. Default is "lightgrey". |
p_freq_size |
plot's frequency line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_freq_msize |
plot's frequency line marker size. Default is 1. |
p_cf_size |
plot's counterfactual line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_zstar_size |
plot's bunching region marker line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_b |
whether plot should also include the bunching estimate. Default is FALSE. |
b |
normalized bunching estimate. |
b_sd |
standard deviation of the normalized bunching estimate. |
p_e |
whether plot should also include the elasticity estimate. Only shown if p_b is TRUE. Default is FALSE. |
e |
elasticity estimate. |
e_sd |
standard deviation of the elasticity estimate. |
p_b_e_xpos |
plot's x-axis coordinate of bunching/elasticity estimate. Default is set internally. |
p_b_e_ypos |
plot's y-axis coordinate of bunching/elasticity estimate. Default is set internally. |
p_b_e_size |
size of plot's printed bunching/elasticity estimate. Default is 3. |
t0 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate below zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
t1 |
numeric value setting the marginal (average) tax rate above zstar in a kink (notch) setting. |
notch |
whether analysis is for a kink or notch. Default is FALSE (kink). |
p_domregion_color |
plot's dominated region marker line color in notch setting. Default is "blue". |
p_domregion_ltype |
line type for the vertical line type marking the dominated region (zD) in the plot for notch settings. Default is "longdash". |
returns a plot with the frequency, counterfactual and bunching region demarcated. Can also include the bunching and elasticity estimate if specified.
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) fitted <- fit_bunching(thedata = prepped_data$data_binned, themodelformula = prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) plot_bunching(z_vector = bunching_data$kink_vector, binned_data = prepped_data$data_binned, cf = fitted$cf_density, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_excl_l = 0 , bins_excl_r = 0, b = 1.989, b_sd = 0.005, p_b = TRUE)
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4) fitted <- fit_bunching(thedata = prepped_data$data_binned, themodelformula = prepped_data$model_formula, binwidth = 50) plot_bunching(z_vector = bunching_data$kink_vector, binned_data = prepped_data$data_binned, cf = fitted$cf_density, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_excl_l = 0 , bins_excl_r = 0, b = 1.989, b_sd = 0.005, p_b = TRUE)
Create a binned plot for quick exploration without estimating bunching mass.
plot_hist( z_vector, binv = "median", zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r, p_title = "", p_xtitle = "z_name", p_ytitle = "Count", p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5, p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA, p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey", p_freq_color = "black", p_zstar_color = "red", p_freq_size = 0.5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_zstar_size = 0.5, p_zstar = TRUE )
plot_hist( z_vector, binv = "median", zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r, p_title = "", p_xtitle = "z_name", p_ytitle = "Count", p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5, p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA, p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey", p_freq_color = "black", p_zstar_color = "red", p_freq_size = 0.5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_zstar_size = 0.5, p_zstar = TRUE )
z_vector |
a numeric vector of (unbinned) data. |
binv |
a string setting location of zstar within its bin ("min", "max" or "median" value). Default is median. |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
bins_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to use in analysis. |
bins_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to use in analysis. |
p_title |
plot's title. Default is empty. |
p_xtitle |
plot's x_axis label. Default is the name of z_vector. |
p_ytitle |
plot's y_axis label. Default is "Count". |
p_title_size |
size of plot's title. Default is 11. |
p_axis_title_size |
size of plot's axes' title labels. Default is 10. |
p_axis_val_size |
size of plot's axes' numeric labels. Default is 8.5. |
p_miny |
plot's minimum y_axis value. Default is 0. |
p_maxy |
plot's maximum y_axis value. Default is optimized internally. |
p_ybreaks |
a numeric vector of y-axis values at which to add horizontal line markers in plot. Default is optimized internally. |
p_grid_major_y_color |
plot's y-axis major grid line color. Default is "lightgrey". |
p_freq_color |
plot's frequency line color. Default is "black". |
p_zstar_color |
plot's bunching region marker lines color. Default is "red". |
p_freq_size |
plot's frequency line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_freq_msize |
plot's frequency line marker size. Default is 1. |
p_zstar_size |
plot's bunching region marker line thickness. Default is 0.5. |
p_zstar |
whether to show vertical line for zstar. Default is TRUE. |
returns a list with the following:
plot |
the plot of the density without estimating a counterfactual. |
data |
the binned data used for the plot. |
# visualize a distribution data(bunching_data) plot_hist(z_vector = bunching_data$kink_vector, binv = "median", zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 40, bins_r = 40)$plot
# visualize a distribution data(bunching_data) plot_hist(z_vector = bunching_data$kink_vector, binv = "median", zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 40, bins_r = 40)$plot
Prepare binned data and model for bunching estimation.
prep_data_for_fit( data_binned, zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r, poly = 9, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0, rn = NA, extra_fe = NA, correct_above_zu = FALSE )
prep_data_for_fit( data_binned, zstar, binwidth, bins_l, bins_r, poly = 9, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0, rn = NA, extra_fe = NA, correct_above_zu = FALSE )
data_binned |
dataframe of counts per bin |
zstar |
a numeric value for the the bunching point. |
binwidth |
a numeric value for the width of each bin. |
bins_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to use in analysis. |
bins_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to use in analysis. |
poly |
a numeric value for the order of polynomial for counterfactual fit. Default is 9. |
bins_excl_l |
number of bins to left of zstar to include in bunching region. Default is 0. |
bins_excl_r |
number of bins to right of zstar to include in bunching region. Default is 0. |
rn |
a numeric vector of (up to 2) round numbers to control for. Default includes no controls. |
extra_fe |
a numeric vector of bin values to control for using fixed effects. Default includes no controls. |
correct_above_zu |
if integration constraint correction is implemented, should counterfactual be shifted only above zu (upper bound of exclusion region)? Default is FALSE (i.e. shift from above zstar). |
returns a list with the following:
data_binned |
The binned data with the extra columns necessary for model fitting, such as indicators for bunching region, fixed effects, etc. |
model_formula |
The formula used for model fitting. |
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4, bins_excl_l = 2, bins_excl_r = 3, rn = c(250,500), extra_fe = 10200) head(prepped_data$data_binned) prepped_data$model_formula
data(bunching_data) binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20) prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4, bins_excl_l = 2, bins_excl_r = 3, rn = c(250,500), extra_fe = 10200) head(prepped_data$data_binned) prepped_data$model_formula